When you are doing Initiator-Inquirer sessions, be sure to watch how partners function in their assigned roles. The combination of the role and each partner's functioning will give you a clear insight into each partner's level of differentiation. You will see where each person breaks down and you will also be able to locate past or early trauma that is being re-enacted in the current relationship.
Today's blog post is a continuation of the session with Vicky and Tom. If you missed the beginning of the series you can read the first section here and the second section here.
This session originally began with a blaming initiation from Tom directed at his wife, Vicky. “I am sick of being controlled by you. You want to control my whole life. You leave no area untouched.”
I started by helping Vicky ask Tom questions to uncover his feelings and perceptions that were unexpressed while he blamed her for being controlling.
She initially had difficulty not personalizing his issues, but she was able to take some of my developmental assists and use them to ask a few effective questions. At the very end of that post a lot happened very, very quickly. This is common when you are working simultaneously with core issues in each partner.
Tom began to regress as I commented on how much he disliked feeling helpless and especially how much he disliked it with his wife. Vicky also took a step backwards and again self-referenced. “I don't want you to feel that way. But can't you understand this isn't about what I am doing?”
As you'll see in the next part of the transcript, this resulted in Tom striking back with hostility, “I don't need an intellectualizing lecture from you right now.”
And now you have several choices, which is where the art and science of the Initiator-Inquirer process comes in. You could:
- Support Tom's regression
- Give more developmental assistance to Vicky in her role as Inquirer, so she personalizes less
- Confront the nastiness and hostility in Tom's response to her
- Try to do as much of all three of these as possible
There are no wrong answers. There are only choices. You must be resilient and willing to regroup if you make a choice that takes you in an ineffective direction.
I made a decision to start by supporting Tom's regression into the past. The issue he initiated was so strong and so clearly laced with old feelings that I guessed it would be valuable to explore the origin of his feeling controlled. Here is how the session progressed:
Ellyn: Tom, I hear that you don't like feeling helpless and it seems to bother you even more if Vicky is kind to you.
Tom: I never want to feel helpless. And it is even worse if I am getting an intellectualizing lecture from her.
Ellyn: And if you were getting compassion?
Tom: I don't want compassion. Damn it. How can she feel compassion when I feel pain?
Ellyn: I think she could feel compassion if you let her in more and told her more about the pain you experienced as a little boy and also why it affects you even now.
Tom: That pain is even worse than what I am feeling now.
Ellyn: Keeping that pain so secret is what results in you feeling so controlled by your wife. What was it like? Will you tell her a little about it?
Tom: (Starts sobbing) I was beaten by my father. I didn't make good grades. My grades never measured up to what my dad wanted. He wanted all A's.
Ellyn: Take your time. Stay there.
Tom: I was never good enough. (Sobbing)
Ellyn: (After waiting until his tears begin to subside) And tell Vicky some more.
Tom: He beat me. He beat me with a belt. More than once.
Ellyn: And…
Tom: I went to the hospital.
Vicky: You went to the hospital? (said with surprise and softness in her voice)
Tom: Yes, I had 2 black eyes and I was nearly unconscious. I was there for a few days.
Ellyn: As you lay there in your hospital bed, feeling so much physical pain, what were you telling yourself about the emotional pain?
Tom: Nobody will ever be the boss of me again! No one! Nobody! No how. (He says all this vehemently.)
Ellyn: And tell Vicky, “I won't ever let anyone boss me. I don't ever want to feel this bad again.”
Tom: You bet. Vicky, I never ever want to be beaten into a pulp again. I don't care what grades I get. No one will ever hammer on me ever again!
So, let's stop again. Where do you go next? What have you learned? How did I facilitate Tom's regression without losing Vicky? Please read what your colleagues are thinking about these questions and share your own ideas, too.
I look forward to reading your comments. They are the very best source of my responses for future posts. Remember that this blog is public and your comments should not reveal your clients' identity.
It is interesting to me that Tom doesn’t want compassion from Vicki when he’s in pain. My guess is either it underscores his role as a victim or he may believe Vicki is the cause of the pain. In any event – I think it is helpful he doesn’t look for compassion from Vicki as it opens the door for some inner child work whereby Tom may learn to offer himself compassion. I think this could move him toward greater differentiation and less reactivity as he learns to “soothe himself” in conflicted or regressive situations.
Ellyn holds Vicky by indirectly noting Vicky’s kindness to him. (Not in this transcript? or was it “I don’t want you to feel that way”?) And she indirectly suggests to Vicky a compassionate reaction when the story comes out.
Yes, Paula, I was most curious about this from Tom: “I don’t want compassion. Damn it. How can she feel compassion when I feel pain?”
My first thought, based on his last sentence, was that being cared about by the one who is hurting you would be so perverse. Then I thought, he’s confused about the meaning of the word that Ellyn introduced. (It’s one that I usually define the first time I mention it, as “the desire to remove suffering”.) But now I think he may feel it diminishes him even more into helplessness, which to him is shameful.
I would have tried to understand him at that point. “What do you want instead? What could you want from her…if you dared to ask? Anything other than being left alone?” Which would probably lead him to the idea of compassion.
But that would be my completion compulsion to follow my own thread. In hindsight, it would just be a distraction or delay from him getting his powerful story out that breaks everything wide open. Ellyn seems to already know that there is some specific little boy story that he is holding secret from her.
Where to go from here? Time to fully harvest this incredible moment. Tom has already modified Ellyn’s direction for expressing his anger into something more achingly vulnerable. I would watch Vicky closely to see her reaction, but I’m pretty sure she would be extremely moved. I would ask her what she wanted to do for him at that moment, and I bet she would reach out for him. If she’s still stuck on “That’s not what I was doing!” then she needs to hear “No, you absolutely weren’t. He was feeling the feelings towards his father that run so very deep. How did you feel about how he suffered? What do you want to do for that little boy right now?” to bring her back to compassion.
He doesn’t feel safe…he’s in deep shame and trauma…survivors often don’t allow anyone into that place for fear of further harm and exposure.
“Where do you go next?” I think I’d get Vicki to recap, with empathy, what Tom’s experience was — and how it impacts their relationship now. Maybe, get back to I to I again.
“What have you learned?” I think you chose to facilitate Tom’s regression because he exhibited such strong affect. You really helped him deepen his experience by suggesting he take his time, asking what he told himself, and getting him to say it aloud to Vicki. I think Vicki was able to stay in her role because you made it so clear that you were helping Tom talk about himself, in the days before Vicki, and you explicitly said that his work would allow her to feel more compassion. I especially admired your comment that keeping his pain private is what led to Tom feeling so controlled by his wife.
This was a great example of how to work with Trauma in one partner. You kept Vicki in the process by asking Tom to tell Vicki about his pain. I very much appreciated your listing of choices and indicating there are no wrong answers. Every situation provides opportunities to go many different directions. I need to remind myself that if something isn’t working to regroup and go in a different direction. I think I would check in with Vickie sext by asking her to recap what she has heard from Tom. Another directions to go would be to praise Tom for sharing his pain. Then, explore how he comforted himself as result of the abuse and how he comforts himself now. I believed he used anger then and now uses his expression of anger to keep away the pain.
I’ve been in this kind of situation before with couples and it’s played out differently with different partners. It’s where the meat of the matter is often.
Where I would go next is to check in with Vicki how this was for her. Where the couple goes next with this would be interesting to see. How will Tom learn to soothe himself when he gets triggered in the future (because it will happen) without lashing out at Vicki?
How will Vicki cope when Tom doesn’t do everything the way she wants him to?
In the past I’ve gotten tricky responses sometimes. Some range from empathy and support (I’m touched I never knew this about you) to feeling stuck (Now I feel like I have to walk on eggshells by being careful what I say) to intellectual awkwardness where the partner just doesn’t know how to be present to strong emotions. The list goes on.
“…to feeling stuck (Now I feel like I have to walk on eggshells by being careful what I say)…” Ellyn, how would you address such feelings? I hear this often when one partner has significantly more emotional dysfunction than the other.
Where do you go next? What is important now is to support Tom some more in terms of providing him with empathy. There should be some soothing contact between the two of them. To this aim, one possibility seems to turn to Vicki, asking about her experience, but also coaching her response in such a way as to make possible a soothing moment between the two to happen.
What have you learned? What I learned from this part of the transcript is that you provide Tom with some initial corrective emotional experience by having him tell / redirect his childhood decision to his wife, while he is in much affective contact with his past.
How did I facilitate Tom’s regression without losing Vicki? While you spoke on behalf of Vicki, you directed Tom to speak to her rather than to you.
Thanks for your insightful comments. I look forward to reading what you write. The fourth and last installment coming up in early November.
I’ve been reading “In Quest of the Mythical Mate,” and I have a question about the (Individual Hx & Intrapsychic Issues Short Script). Do you normally present these with the couple (each partner) in the room at the same time? Or do you do it individually?
I work for an agency named, Catholic Charities Counseling, and we are to conduct an individual psychosocial assessment on each client (even if the client is the couple). Therefore, I was wondering if it would be better if I presented the script together or separately? I’m looking forward to your thoughts and response. Thanks.
I would suggest doing it together. Most partners do not understand each other very well. Their conflicts as a couple are often re-enactments of unresolved childhood pain. Part of our job as couples therapists is to explain the partners to each other in a compassionate light.
Thank you very much. I think this is going to work great. I’m excited to use this.
I liked the way you helped him explore his pain while she got to be a ‘fly on the wall’ as to what the deeper cause was and so able to come from a place of compassion, Susan Campbell (check out her books on communication) has some great lines that might be helpful to cope here and own the feelings, such as: Hearing you say that I feel…. , I am feeling triggered…. helping Vicki realize it is about him and his anxiety being triggered and being in fight, flight, mode, being in observation mode and being able to mirror back what he is feeling then come from a place of understanding what he feels and expressing how it makes sense to her might be good for him to hear…
Anie V
I am pazzled as to the use of the term differentiation in this context.
Would you please explain?
Thank you
Sure Sharon. Differentiation has to do with a partner being able to identify their own thoughts, feelings, wants and desires and being able to openly express those congruently. As long as Tom blames Vicki and sees her as controlling him, he remains in a symbiotic relationship that is the re-creation of a very troubled, painful relationship he had as a child. When he can be open and not helpless he will be internally more solid. I hope this helps.
You’re awesome Ellyn! I love reading about your work. This is exactly where I would go in this session, and have gone many times with couples. Pealing back the layers of trauma. I’ve never done EMDR with couples but I can see how well it would work in this session too. I so appreciate your heart and wisdom in your work! Thank you for sharing it with us🙏🏼♥️
Trauma doesn’t like being touched and this piece offers an illustration of that dynamic. The young Tom guards against further pain by avoiding both control and compassion leaving him safe yet isolated, misunderstood and angry. This treatment moment may bring this to awareness and allow the adult Tom to protect himself in new ways. Beautiful work!
Thank you Ellen for your ability to invite him, trusting you and his wife with his memories, and emotions. Emotional intimacy is so frightening to him. I certainly admire his strength to keep all of this inside, and yet even more courage to let the memories out and the emotions he felt and how they have been running his life. A prisoner of the past, yet he is braking those chains by talking about what he experienced and felt and thought. Powerful!!!
Thanks Ellyn for this, it’s very helpful. What I have learned from it is that the journey to success sometimes means we go backward, for us to go forward. What seems like a bad thing, regression, can end up taking us deeper inside ourselves. I like that you made the decision to follow Tom into his regression (I think I wouldn’t have done that for sure) and from there helped him to learn something about himself as well as inviting Vicky into that space so she can be more empathetic towards I like how you tell Tom to tell Vicky some more. Without knowing, he is now communicating with Vicky and letting her in as you ask him those questions. Without your intervention he wouldn’t have done that as he already doesn’t see Vicky as being able to show him compassion.
Ellyn realized that the answer that the husband was giving to his wife, was not responding to her but to other people from his past, there he was located. Ellyn had to subtly, choosing her words to make him go back and work with him, from his past so that he could realize that his wife is another person willing and willing to understand him so that from the here and now the relationship can be satisfactory.
One thing I learned is that Tom is exhibiting an avoidant attachment style: he doesn’t trust that someone who’s close to him can provide compassion in a way that feels safe for him. It makes sense in that context, based on his story, that he would push Vicky away with anger and reactivity. Where I might go next: Tom is speaking to Vicky, but he’s really still talking to his father, who’s present for him internally – “I never ever want to be beaten to a pulp again….” I might ask Tom about whether Vicky has ever beaten on him, to help differentiate between her and his father, and I might ask about whether there are things that Vicky does that trigger for him a feeling of being “beaten down” or a feeling that he’s being asked to “get better grades.” I might ask him to name the feelings that come up in these moments – I would anticipate maybe helplesness, rage, fear of inadequacy, resentment. I could imagine asking something like, “what would you want Vicky to recognize in those moments? and, borrowing from Gottman tools, what’s one thing she could do differently in those moments to help make the discussion go better?” And I might ask Vicky something like, “now that you know about this area of enduring vulnerability for Tom, how might you demonstrate to him that you feel compassion for his experience and that you see his strength and capability both for having survived that experience and for the strong, capable partner he is?”
I would ask Vicky what she’s feeling when she hears Tom’s story? If it’s empathetic and positive, I’d ask her to do or say something comforting to Tom. I’d then ask Tom, “Is there anything else she could do that would help?” If he replied “nothing” or “stop controlling me”, I’d suggest she ask him for examples of what she does that feels controlling to him. If Tom’s answers made her defensive, I’d normalize her defensiveness but ask her to be curious about why these things were triggering to Tom rather than defending herself.
Ellyn writes “when doing the I-I process ask the Initiator for the outcome they desire from the conversation”. If it means that the Initiator can say that she/he wants to feel happy, I agree. I find that this is most often the most difficult to make a partner say.
I also can follow the different choices you have Ellyn, and to follow Tom the way you did I like a lot. And Tom´s not wanting compassion – I know that one, shutting down so hard, that you want nothing (as protection), so inviting him to share some of that pain, is great.
I think you protect Vicky by helping Tom to talk about himself, not about Vicky – that is protection. (“Staying at home”). And one next step can be to have Vicky share her feeling/emotional response to Tom´s sharing (and nothing about him)…
Many greetings
I have a newer couple: the husband is super defended and when initiating, everything comes out sounding like blame and attack. I tried to spend a session uncovering childhood trauma, but he was very resistant. He insisted that despite some parts of his childhood being lousy, he is NOT a victim. Furthermore he agrees with his parents now: he SHOULD’VE studied harder, not been so defiant, been more like his studious brother, etc. I pointed out that he had internalized his mom’s critical, comparing voice but did not get anywhere. He is reenacting all of this with his stepson (wife came into marriage with two kids), which was the presenting problem for couple thx. Help!
I would point out he has an opportunity to break the cycle by not doing to his stepson what was done to him partly because his parents did not have the parenting skills to do better and had not healed and recovered from their own trauma. I would explain that he internalized the criticism and justified and normalized it as a defence and that served him for. a while but is serving him no longer. I would encourage him to ask that part of him to get into the passenger seat of the car and let another part take over. I would then coach that other unconditionally loving and accepting part in what possible things could be said.
I find that clients will not accept compassion at times because when they let in support and caring what they need to let out or express emotionally such as intense grief, overwhelming rage surfaces and they are terrified of the intensity. I say “your self talk is: ” it is ok to have my feelings in their full intensity. I am safe, supported and encouraged, accepted and loved” I do psychoeducation. I prepare them early in therapy by informing them that letting in what they need-compassion WILL likely bring up what needs to come out like an emotional enema. I assure them it will come out in manageable amounts that they can handle as adults but could not as children. I also tell them that if their partner is triggered I will take care of them both.I assure them I am comfortable and skilled at facilitating emotional expression and self regulation and Wii teach them to navigate all this without hurting themselves, their partner, or property. I tell them the adults who were their caregivers did not know how to do this and as a result traumatized them when. they most needed love and acceptance which has now led to a fear of intimacy along with a longing for it. Usually this leads to relief, increased curiosity and willingness to risk.
Keeping your pain so secret… will u tell her about it? This gentle prod appears to have opened the floodgates for him. Masterful! When a client is so defended against that vulnerable painful part (even insisting that mom and dad were right for their treatment cuz if he had listened he would be more successful), I don’t know what to do. I find myself trying to persuade him of his pain which ofc doesn’t work. This is a case where he has deeply internalized mom’s critical voice and enacts it both to his wife and step son in very hurtful ways. Help!