More on The Great Attachment Debate
We continue to review The Great Attachment Debate, a series of interviews published in Psychology Networker. I wrote about the first three experts in last month’s blog
We continue to review The Great Attachment Debate, a series of interviews published in Psychology Networker. I wrote about the first three experts in last month’s blog
I really enjoyed and felt enlivened by David Schnarch’s presentation and felt like a professional “prayer” was answered as I have struggled in the past decade with
Last month I invited readers to list Attachment and Differentiation-based interventions in two different lists on the blog. A special thanks to those of you who shared
Another year has arrived. I will continue to write blogs and give you thoughts and transcripts. One of my aims for this year is to encourage more
I enjoy seeing an exchange of ideas here on the blog. I invite you to list attachment based interventions that you use. Here’s one to get us
This year’s couples conference has now come and gone. Once again we enjoyed dynamic presentations from state of the art thinkers and practioners, such as Harville Hendrix,
For three weeks in November, I served as a faculty member of a wonderful on-line forum on Attachment Theory and Couples Therapy. We had an enlightening dialogue
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