Imagine the benefits and rewards of working as a team. That is what you will discover and experience through our work. By applying my unique and innovative techniques, you strengthen your connections and feel supported. You will draw upon my thirty years of helping couples through their struggles and re-visioning new aspects of their relationship.
– Dr. Peter Pearson

Dr. Peter Pearson

Relationship Expert for Entrepreneurs

Dr. Peter Pearson is a thought leader and relationship expert for entrepreneurs who want to make business and love work in harmony. Having spent decades as a couples therapist, informal researcher, and experimenter, Pete is uniquely skilled at navigating the complexities and challenges entrepreneurs face in their lives and relationships – as he has also worked alongside his wife, Dr. Ellyn Bader, for 36 years. 

The duo are considered pioneers in couples therapy. They co-created The Developmental Model – a revolutionary approach that is now taught in over 60 countries around the world. They co-founded The Couples Institute® in 1984 and have trained thousands of therapists to master the art of working with couples.

Pete co-authored Tell Me No Lies (2001) and an award-winning textbook, In Quest of the Mythical Mate (1988), with his wife Ellyn. The two of them have been trusted resources for TV, radio, and print publications, appearing on Nightline, CBS This Morning, Today Show, Good Morning America, The Oprah Magazine, Cosmopolitan, several NPR programs, and more than 70 other publications and programs.

Pete spends his days coaching and training people how to live more meaningful, happier, and balanced lives as entrepreneurs while also creating loving, fulfilling relationships. He loves working to perfect his tennis serve, taking adventure trips around the world, and immersing himself in different cultures.

For interviews, media opportunities or private therapy client requests, please fill out our contact us form here.

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