
Check out our best-selling books from Couples Institute.

Tell Me No Lies

Everybody lies. Friends lie to friends. Children lie to their parents. And, inevitably, husbands and wives lie to each other.

While partners lie to keep their marriage together, in reality they're helping to destroy it. In Tell Me No Lies, Dr. Ellyn Bader and Dr. Peter Pearson, Ph.D. lead us through the four stages of marriage:

1) The Honeymoon
2) Emerging Differences
3) Freedom to Explore
4) Together as Two.

This book offers a riveting account of the classic lies we tell during these stages. It is insightful and practical for couples who would like to improve their relationships, and for the therapists who help them.

In Quest of the Mythical Mate

This classic text presents theory and application of the Developmental Model of Couples Therapy (Bader-Pearson Model). Two different diagnostic techniques sharpen your assessment of the couple’s stage and present targeted interventions for couples at any of the different stages. Chapters discuss unique dynamics of Conflict-Avoidant and Hostile-Dependent couples. The book concludes with a 7-page chart summarizing the developmental task, the developmental stalemate, the diagnosis, and specific treatment interventions for each stage of development.

Awarded the Clark Vincent Award by the California Association of Marital & Family Therapists for an outstanding contribution to the field of marital therapy.

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