If you happen to be in couples therapy just say this at your next meeting: Today I’m here to change my attitude about change, because if I don’t change my attitude about change then I will never be able to consistently apply what we are here to learn.
My attitude that needs improvement is: “Why should I have to change?” Because as long as I have that attitude I will come across as insensitive, self-centered, oblivious, and negligent.
Even though I seek a pain-proof marriage, another part of me knows that’s an impossible goal.
Worst of all – my self-defeating attitude keeps me from creating the best possible team we could create. And if we don’t work as a strong team to reach our goals and live congruently with our values, we are just squandering time and opportunities.
I’m pretty sure that in the billion sessions of couples therapy in the world, not one therapist has heard that exclamation.
Want to be exceptional? Tell your therapist what you just read.
Even better – tell your spouse.
Whether or not you're in therapy, make sure you check out our article, “How to Get the Most From Your Couples Therapy.” It provides a clear roadmap to get you and your partner on the same page for how you want your relationship to be.