Lies to the Self, Lies to the Partner and Lies to the Therapist

When working with a couple in the aftermath of infidelity, how do you approach lies and a history of deception? When is a lie “just a little white lie” and when is it much more serious? Is it a common pattern of deception, does it represent a developmental issue, or is it a character issue?  How likely is it that a partner will continue lying to you? Does that change what you do and, if so, how?

In my presentation on lies, deception and confrontation in couples with infidelity, I discussed how important it is for the therapist to know what types of lies and deception are involved in a betrayal. I outlined four main types of lies that occur in marriage and committed partnerships: Loving Lies, Conflict-Avoiding Lies, Passive-Aggressive Lies and the great big Felony Lies.

As I present the following transcript from a recent case of a couple who came in, after she discovered his affair with a mistress.  What is your view about the types of lies he told, and what appears to be central as I learn about the history of deception?

The husband started their first session with me by saying, “I had an affair. My wife discovered the affair by finding out about a gift I bought for the other woman.”

This was just the tip of the iceberg I discovered as I pursued his pattern of lying and deceiving.

Ellyn: What happened next?

Husband: I said I’d break it off. And started to…but then I thought, well I think I want a divorce so what difference does it make what I do? I began lying more and adding one lie on top of another.

This was a red flag that made me realize I needed to know a lot more than “he had an affair.” Pursuing more information about the types of his lies could give me an essential window into what was wrong, what went wrong and how to structure the early phase of therapy.

Ellyn: I’d like to know about the lies you thought were pretty insignificant and about the worst lies you told?

Husband: I lied about having to work late and I lied about going to prostitutes. I convinced myself I was not betraying the marriage because I had no emotional attachment to the prostitutes. I talked myself out of believing it was a betrayal.

The plot thickens as I learn more about how he deceived himself as well as his wife.

Ellyn: Were there other lies you told to avoid conflict?

Husband: Yes, I told my wife I was going on a business trip to New York when I took my mistress to Paris.

Ellyn: What did you do when your wife began to suspect?

Husband: I said things to her like, “You are making things up. You are a crazy person.”

Ellyn: How long did this go on?

Husband: For months and months. This wasn’t the first time. Before it was with prostitutes. This time I said she was crazy and making things up, that there was no affair.

In a relatively short time in the first session I’ve learned that the husband has lied and deceived his wife for years. He’s told substantial conflict-avoiding lies and “felony” lies. By “felony” lies, I mean the big lies that have enormous impact on a spouse such as lying about unprotected sex, about having sex with very close friends or family members or attacking a partner’s sanity when they suspect.  He’d also deceived himself substantially in order to protect his lifestyle and continue his patterns.

As the history of the marriage was recounted to me in this session, I learned they had a long-term marriage with two adolescent children.  They had an intensely positive and very sexual beginning. Problems intensified when the wife stopped working after the birth of the second child.

They were unable to reconnect sexually, and were unable to manage the stresses of his work/travel schedule vs. the needs of their children. They developed a pattern of alternating periods of silence and withdrawal and periods where the wife would scream and yell at him. There was no drug or alcohol abuse.  The wife wanted desperately to keep the marriage, and the husband was uncertain about whether to stay married or get a divorce and go with the new woman.

Given the unfolding history, what would be your considerations in structuring treatment? What would be some considerations for you in structuring the next session? And what might you say to them at the end of the first session?

I’d like to wrap up this series on the Infidelity Conference with a few points from the final panel.

Final Panel

The day finished with an extremely lively panel discussion moderated by none other than Dr. Peter Pearson and Judith Anderson. Try to imagine a panel of marital experts all attempting to agree on how to handle infidelity. And boy did the theoretical sparks fly! Interruptions galore, spontaneous declarations of disagreements, humorous asides, and the occasional heartwarming response of, “Beats me” kept everyone entertained.

Pete had the enormous challenge of keeping us all on track. I think he especially enjoyed alternately stopping Julie Gottman and me from talking too much, so the audience could ask more questions.

All in all the faculty and audience were highly stimulated by the unanswered questions, the challenges of infidelity in western culture, and how to move our treatment paradigms beyond crisis/recovery and perpetrator-victim models.

Perhaps the biggest takeaway from the conference was indirect. It wasn't just the inevitable different perspectives thoughtfully defended. It was the underlying respect of the differences, skills and experiences of diverse colleagues that made the panel interesting, informative, entertaining and even poignant at times.

The panelists embodied what we attempt to teach our couples: strong and honest disagreement often leads to a more evolved way of approaching and thinking about difficult problems.

It was differentiation in action.

Now please take a few minutes to comment on the case. It will help stimulate a good discussion.


P.S. If you’d like to learn more about my Developmental Model Program click here.

We help couples struggling with adultery in Menlo Park, San Francisco, San Mateo, Redwood City, San Jose, Campbell and the surrounding areas.

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elaine g-77 years
elaine g-77 years

I’m not a therapist… just trying to learn about my difficult relationships, style of disagreeing, and perhaps yet find more confidence and love in my life….


Where is my long comment that I wrote and posted??


I discussed the issue of devaluing and disrespect that stay at home mom’s often face. They do not feel useful/viable, smart etc. That reflects it-self in many ways, dress, demeanor, assertiveness etc. I cannot re-write my long comment again. Thanks for your case etc.


The lying behaviour would have been a learned behaviour which can be unlearned with consistent work. The husband can benefit from stopping the pattern of lying because his lying was reflective of him engaging in avoidant behaviour as his coping skill to stay away from confrontation and consequences . When he works towards establishing a different relationship with the unfortunate consequences of his cheating behaviour, then he would stand a better chance of calmy accepting the consequences. Ex: change the context of the difficult consequences he might have to bear…(CBT with content; Mindfulness with context)


I would reflect back to the couple where they got stuck developmentally after the birth of their second child and how they developed patterns of conflict/avoidance as a way of coping. Obviously this became pathological and I would invite the wife to describe her experience upon discovering the long string of lies. This could be a tremendous opportunity for growth if they are willing to work through it and I would give them some hope that it is possible, but I am wondering if you would need a commitment to tell the truth in order to move forward??

Nina Raff
Nina Raff

One question in structuring or considering treatment is whether he is still planning to pursue divorce, or if something has changed. I would like to know more about the wife and why she has tolerated this and still seems to want him. He has dominated so far, and I think I would take his dominance into account when structuring the next session. Also would take into account that anything further he says may not be true. I would find this very challenging, and wonder if the wife has secrets too. I think goal setting will be very important.


This is a fascinating and difficult case. Before I went any further, I would want to know if both parties are wanting help with their relationship, or whether they are just looking for a way of ending it. I would also want to explore if both are willing to commit to some period of time of no outside intimate connections ( ie, is he willing to commit a month, 3 months to only being with his wife) and working in therapy. What outcomes do each person hope for, and are they committed to doing homework. There might be very good reasons for each person to remain blaming the other, and these good reasons would need to be examined. If after all that, they are committed to working in therapy, we could begin therapy.

Nina Raff
Nina Raff
Reply to  sharmila

Sharmila, I thought of that too, but whenever I have asked people to commit to no outside relationships, they lie about that. They agree, but then they usually do whatever they want. I’m not sure how to overcome that. And this guy certainly seems like he would lie about that, don’t you think?

Sara West
Sara West

I would want to hear from the wife too. And I’d want to watch the husband’s reactions closely to whatever she says. Perhaps it would be a possible point of entry into his noticing his feelings and beginning to give them names, rather than ignore/deny them and act out. I’m wondering when the I & I process might be appropriate?


Couple work is so challenging and exciting. There are a number of considerations and one that comes into my mind is that I experience Blame as lying to the Self. From this perspective, I would be curious about the idea that they both lie. Getting a commitment from the party about fidelity is probably tricky and I think I would focus on how lying has become a way of managing difficult stuff in this couple. Also I would be curious about their experience of lying in their families of origin and also about how the Self of them manages other uncomfortable/anxious experiences in the Couple. At the end of my first session with a couple I always alert them to the statistics with regard to 2nd partnerships and encourage them to think about learning how to solve these issues in the existing relationship.Couples seem to respond to this in my experience unless one is already “out the door,” so to speak.


I would ask the man to attempt to connect with himself in the s session–how does he feel telling these truths after lying so often for so long? Is he finally revealing more truth and why now? Can he access and reveal himself at all? As others have said, is he in the marriage enough to be in couples therapy or looking for an exit? I would not ask for a commitment to stop outside relationships because he is a chronic liar. But transparency agreements would need to be made. It would be important, I feel, to validate the womans perceptions and experiences and mstate in no uncertain terms that the deception a has experienced is huge, and she’s not crazy. I would have difficulty working on behalf of the couple but would want to see if the woman could respond to confrontation about why she’s still with him and how desperately she seems to want to stay together (attachment issues)


” where there is no honesty there is no intimacy” They are not sharing the same reality, wife may need to assess why she wants the marriage and its implications with his flaws and her acceptance, dependence, possible denial as to the severity of the issue.
Is he in , out or still in affair la la fantasy land? Is there a repentence and willingness, capability or desire to change and or be married with integrity? Relationship will have to have a new foundation to move forward successfully. Sounds like lots of personal work for both before the us can be truly put back together.


Towards the end of the first session I would wish to give the couple hope and explain what the therapeutic process entails. At the moment, the wife is probably not only feeling deeply hurt but also thinking that she would never be able to trust her husband again. She is resigned to staying in a marriage which is unsatisfying for her (for reasons worth exploring), but possibly her secret reward is that she can always feel righteous because in her eyes, no shouting, screaming or losing interest in sex from her side could equal what her husband has done to her. The husband may feel that there is no point in trying because he will always be resented and blamed, and so a fresh start with a new woman is likely to be much more tempting for him.

So I will explain that in order to heal the affair(s) the husband will first need to fully understand and acknowledge the effect that his lies and betrayal had on his wife. He will need to be willing to answer her questions about what happened. Both of them will then need to look at the relationship and come to a better understanding of how the affairs were allowed to continue. They will both need to grow in understanding of themselves and of the other and recommit to the relationship. I will also reassure them that if they stay with this process, they could potentially be in a much more satisfying relationship than they had before the affair came to light.

If the husband chooses to stay in the marriage and terminate the affair, he may also need some individual work to help him get over it. He may have feelings for the other woman and it sounds like the affair was fulfilling a need he was unable to meet within his marriage (this does not justify the affair of course).

I personally do not ask clients to stop behaviours they may lie about (except for violence) because when they lie in the therapy room, the therapeutic relationship becomes a mirror of the other relationships in their lives which are compromised by lies. Hopefully as work progress the unhelpful behaviours would gradually reduce anyway.

Thank you Ellyn for the great information, I always enjoy reading your blog.


I am looking forward to your response, Ellen. I appreciate your categorizing the 4 different types of lies. I would want to have the couple explore and discover how both were lying to each other and why they chose that way of coping in demanding times. My starting point would be to externalize their problems by addressing their circumstances that led them to dealing with new challenges by protecting self an the other by lying. Both in need of connection were betraying and betrayed. It can only lead each living with feelings of abandonment and related emotional pain.

Ümit Çetin
Ümit Çetin

I enjoyed reading all these comments. I think both are very undifferentiated. So reframing their problem in light of their conflict avoidant history might be meaningful. The husband seems to have some serious character isssues and is probably not interested in couples therapy. Still, he needs to build accountability; he needs to develop an awareness of the harmful effects of his actions. So, whatever his goals are in terms of the marriage, what is most important is the way he implements his decision rather than the content of the decision. The challenge is to find a way to confront him without antagonizing him. Maybe looking for some family-of-origin material may help to establish an alliance with him, however tentatively. Also, it may be best to let him make the decision whether to continue for some time for the above goals, i.e., building accountability.
As for the wife, she needs to learn to listen to him as calmly as possible. Moreover, improving her self-esteem is a must for her.

Cheri Fillmore, MFTI
Cheri Fillmore, MFTI

The only thing I would add to all this wonderful feedback is that as a counselor of couples I also try to focus in the concept that when we lie to our partners we show we cannot trust them to accept us as we are. Usually this pattern of lying starts with small things…things that we know might upset our partners and so we decided to avoid the anger. This leads to bigger things when the relationship begins to have bigger problems. Our fear of making our mate angry and our fear that we might lose that person (abandonment) are all linked to the inability to trust and believe that our partner can get angry and get over it and still love us.


I have very much enjoyed reading everyone’s comments. I feel it is important to get a clearer understanding of what the husband wants and for both partners to understand this. Does he want to try and work on improving his marriage? does he want to work on deciding on what he wants? Wife needs to understand where he is in terms of the marriage. Once that is decided and if they decide to move forward, I believe they both need to work on being accountable about their part in the problem. he may need some individual sessions to work more on his issues. She needs to look at what about her , if anything invited this kind of big lying?




I’m thinking about how the affair is a snapshot of the already existing way of connecting in the relationship. I will want to structure the session in such a way that the affair is less the focus and the reality of the relationship even before the affair is more present.

I will be looking for how they have been able to talk about differences in opinion and values and wondering if this affair had helped with some sort of differentiation. I may wonder if deception was a successful way of establishing distance or boundaries in his family of origin. I find it it can be helpful to see how coping skills learned early on are easy to fall back to. And I’ll ask about ask about early history with conflict resolution for each of them.

The wife’s yelling and anger may be her way of coping or unintentionally avoiding the very painful reality of their circumstance. It could also be her way of establishing a self boundary so I will wonder with them about where and what has been the function of their style of dealing with communication and conflict in the relationship.

Often as I look at the family of origin piece, the present circumstance makes more sense and this provides some hope for change and makes the problem seem manageable.

The piece of the deception that involves telling the spouse she is crazy seems potentially controlling and certainly had caused her to question herself. It may indicate how much she has given up of herself, to the point that she no longer trusts her own reality. I will be looking for other areas where she has lost her sense of self. I work with many women who are experiencing domestic violence which leads me to consider the emotional control that is gained by characterizing ones partner as crazy.

As I conclude the session I will look to create hope for new connection by discussing their strengths individually, the possibility of creating a relationship that can meet both of their needs without the need for hiding the self or for giving up the self. I would close with offering my observations about patterns they have identified and what I see that indicates they may have unconsciously picked the perfect person to help them grow and change through relationship. I want to acknowledge the courage it takes on both their part to be looking at their circumstance.

Stephen C. Gill
Stephen C. Gill

I watched the video that was part of this discussion. What stayed with me (it is a day later) was their body language. He was leaning almost into her and she was leaning backward. Even while softening he was still to me not honoring her differentiation–as I understand the term. I just wonder if this was a clue that his softening was not going to last and that he was not going to honor her concern which to me had considerable merit.


Thank you all for your excellent comments and awareness of the many, many issues raised by this case. It is often difficult to decide where to start and how to form interventions that take so many of these issues into account. The art of couples work is to let ourselves be aware of all these challenges and then to self-define in a way that integrates as many of the complexities as possible-in a realistic sequence!
I will send out my transcript in the next couple of days.

Gail Nelson, M.Ed., LPC
Gail Nelson, M.Ed., LPC

I have lots of “props” in my office to demonstrate concepts with clients. I have a ceramic chicken…and I might hand that to either party and have them talk about what they are afraid/”chicken” to discuss around this issue of the lies and the affair and what is missing in their relationship. I have a “bowl of cheeries/with pits” and we talk about the sweet fruit of a relationship that works and “the pits” of every relationship. The demo with that is… we can learn to eat the fruit and spit out the pits (talk about what is bothering us) or we can eat the fruit and break our teeth or choke on the pits (lies).

I have little white boxes (2″ x 2″ that open) and we talk about trust being a “gift” that we give ourselves – to be honest and truthful. When we give our trust to the other we give it because we choose to give our gift of trust to the other person. The obligation of the other is to be trustworthy. I discuss these concepts with the couple and then we figure out what is good about a healthy relationship, what are the pits of something that is not working, what we are afraid/chicken to bring up or discuss and how we can work on trusting and being trustworthy. I like to have each party “own” their developemental issues and see if they are ready to be brave and honest and trustworthy. I say that there is pain either way, if we face ourselves and learn and grow or if we can’t do the work and suffer from not being responsible in who we are being to ourself or the other person.

I’ve had couples come back with new language about “the pits” , being “chicken” to bring something up and that they thought long and hard about “the gift” of trust and being trustworthy. I also have a pair of green grinch slippers that get a lot of laughs when we wear them and we bring our “worst self” to the party.

Monique Vazire
Monique Vazire

I feel that the acting out behaviors both from the husband, lying, affairs, etc. and from the wife, withdrawing from sex and/or intimacy are there to protect deeper, more vulnerable parts of them that have not been able to feel safe enough in the relationship to come out and heal. Therefore they had to resort to those behaviors and they play on each other as a vicious circle. I would bring as much hope to both of them as I could, emphasizing that they could help those vulnerable parts to feel more safe and therefore would not have to resort to those behaviors. I would not focus on the lying too much at first because that would scare the husband away and I would validate the fear of loss of the relationship from the wife as a fear of losing the only chance of redemption the vulnerable part of her feels she has. Vulnerable parts of ourselves often want and need redemption from the very person that has hurt them. So I would invite each one of them to connect with their vulnerable parts, bring compassion and understanding to those parts until they can feels less dependent on the acting out behaviors to protect them. At some point they will become more ready to face responsibility for what they did, and agree to try something else. It’s very tricky to offer compassion to both of them without the wife feeling betrayed because, as someone mentioned, she might feel that what he did is much worse than what she did.

Fallynn C. Cox
Fallynn C. Cox

Please can someone tell me where I can watch the video clip that was mentioned in the comments.



This is so confusing. Did anyone think of telling the wife of lying man to divorce him and develop skills to manage being a single parent? The lying man was stuck in his lying world thinking going to a therapist would fix things, trying to avoid the legal an post-divorce expenses of his bad behavior.


My wife had a work place affair. At the time I believed something was happening and people told me but my wife denied it, when I confronted her she said they went out to lunch twice and that was all I so desperately wanted to believe her that I did) she agreed to not talk or communicate with him anymore. Time had gone on she was still distant and I still felt lonely in a marriage about 5 months after the agreement she was found in her work parking lot with the fellow but insisted my family member who found them was insane once again ( I so desperately wanted to believe her and I did). Anyhow time went by my wife acted irrational at times and I suspected her cheating at times. Eventually 5 years after I learn that my wife indeed did have a affair but now I have a different problem. She insist the affair lasted only 3 months but I think it lasted about two years, even denying when she was found in the parking lot after work with him saying she was not cheating at that time. My wife claims for the entirety of the affair she used a condo even when performing oral sex on the individual. I know my wife is lying, I was there, I remember the text and things I found on her phone I remember everything. I offered full forgiveness and when I found out tried with the entirety of my heart, but trying to puzzle together her lies have destroyed me. All I wanted was the truth but I feel she will never give it to me, she insist she is telling the truth. Her story and self contradictions have been endless and my heart can’t bare anymore. I don’t know what to do anymore.

Leslie Montagne
Leslie Montagne
Reply to  Robert

It’s time to separate, so YOU are not constantly reminded, when seeing her, that you cannot trust your wife. Begin to develop strength and confidence in yourself and work with an individual counselor to help you. Cut contact with your wife for a few months; what she does will begin to show you in truth (or lies) who she truly is as a person. Continued lying and manipulation like this will make you crazy, literally. Let your counselor help you. Surround yourself with supportive friends, practice good self-care, structure your days to include work, exercise, prayer/meditation. If you think you may be depressed, make an appointment with a good psychiatrist. Good luck. Your story was my story. We did not divorce, but as I continue to see he puts less and less work himself into our relationship, I may decide to go that route.


My best friend has changed has blocked me and won’t see me anymore. I still love my husband so very much. He wants me back, now I do not even know if I want him anymore. He hurt me!!!


I honestly don’t know what I would have done without Lord SAN. Even as a manager at my place of work, My daily expenses is more than my in-come therefore subjecting my and my kids to hunger, and sometimes without internet and light went off. I had no choice but to come to this money temple where LORD SAN did a money ritual spell that has turned me to the richest woman in my family linage. I just bought another house for my first daughter as her marriage gift. I have stopped working over 5 months ago since I started getting money from this money spell LORD SAN did for me. I get bundles of dollars twice a week. I do not need my husband anymore he can go to hell with his child support that he never pays


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I’ve been with my wife since I was 16 in the 11th grade in 1993. Now it’s August 2020 and we’ve gotten in 22 years of marriage and two kids with 27 yrs total. Our kids are 22 and 17 with one still at home. My wife has a great job. It’s given is trips to cool places we’d of never went to. I’ve never doubted her words to me until now. In May of 2019 we had a rough patch of arguing. Then I’d notice everytime I came in the house or out of another room and into the one she’s in that she was hustling to put her phone down. I’d ask and she said she was done using the phone. Her phone is always in her hand or on her and if I were to ask to see it she would lose it. So I move in as I said I always Trustex her. So now it’s June and we getting along great. She even arranged a day date for me on a Saturday an it was fantastic to laugh and soemd time together. Then we leave for vacation in July to Florida. Thsi is where i started to question her commitment to me. She was so distant and I had noticed months before she would ignore me not purposely. I had to repeat myself many times before ahead acknowledge my question or comment. So we have our vacation which felt apart all week with our kids sticking to her side and me alone. We get home and I leave for the grocery in a Saturday afternoon in July. I forgot my list and call her to have it repeated to me. She was still laying Ln the couch when I left and never answers. So I head back home and she called back. I ask for item and she tells me she’s taking a nap longer and getting up to clean in an hour and then take a shower. I felt a knock on my head saying go home and see and I did. She was in the shower within five mins Of taking and she was talking nasty but in a whisper. I ask her and she’s irate saying I eavesdropped. Thsi goes on every time she’s in the shwier and now locking the bathroom door for first time ever. So now I’m Paniced and I asked her to talk to me bad don’t tell the kids as I won’t a la well. Her next comment to me was “You’re Effign crazy and need help. You hear voices I think and me and the kids don’t feel safe” I couldn’t be believe her. We spent all the way til December with this when she moved out and took my son. She got an epo against me at her new apt a month later as I spent the night since our house sold and I was now homeless it felt. She lets me stay and on our 22nd anniversary I cook dinner and ask if we can go to bed like old times. I was then told to go eff myself and we’ll never do it again. She then locks the bedroom and I could hesd her talking in the nedroom nasty again. She calls the police when I ask her. She said get out I don’t see cars how cold it is get out. So she call police and I leave and she filed a epo next day. Months later I find out it Was in work trips and behind my back sje worked in another city Close to ours. So now it’s currently 8 moths since she moved out and both my kids hate me for ruining our family. This epo I’ve been aresred for violating becusee she texts me in May askkgm me to come see her and spent night. I stupidly did and all week she was great. Then my dad passed away and the very next day she tells me she’s done and can’t do it any longer I. Ask what I did and she said it’s because she can’t trust what say to her. I was stunned at this. I call and ask if I can get my suit form her apt. She doesn’t answer so I knock on door and hear moaning. He was in my bed with my wife and as I walk out of the building in tears I’m greeted in hand cuffs. My kids think i mental abuse her and riiuenx our family. She’s a horrible person fir doing thsj and I have to live with it forever


fast forward for 5 years I see her being a little secretive and I seen her phone she’s talking to these guys about money and they’re sending her money she swore up and down their old clients and that she was just getting money from them cuz she said she had a gambling addiction now I believe you’re at the time or I was naive and wanted to believe her even though I had a gut feeling there was more to it no one pays for sex and then later on keep sending money and doesn’t receive that benefit so shame on me for my stupidity first thing but at that time I fell in love that kid in the kid only knows me his dad now I’ve always been the one to work as she was a stay-at-home I brought him a lot of good money I have a great job and I was the sole breadwinner she was very bitter towards me. The whole relationship always angry with me accusing me of cheating and I never understood why up until I took a job in Mexico and I don’t know if it was all of the pressure on her stress from her anger from her or if it was just my own mess up but I had an affair in Mexico and part of me was okay with it because deep down I knew she had been doing things so I justified it by Sam well don’t even think about it she didn’t can I come back she finds out about the fair cuz I wasn’t hiding it and out of anger she tells me that she been cheating on me for the first year of our marriage and I said doesn’t that feel good now to finally come clean and I’ll come what’s going on I know there’s more to the story than that so I start digging and I asked her if she doesn’t tell me anything so I did and that was the worst thing she could have ever done because I found and come to find out it went on for about 10 years into a relationship now all the sudden we have a second child a song that’s now 13 months old and she thinks she’s now changed person and that that was her from a long time ago well no it wasn’t even doing this this whole time with on me and now all sudden I find out and I should not let that be a bygone I don’t believe so she doesn’t want to give me any details on these guys she’s swears up and down it’s only one guy but as the post that I found one of them only goes back to 2010 we started dating 2007 so either there was more men or she was still lying I know I did wrong and I don’t place blame anywhere but my own for my infidelity weather it was the stress of her lashing out from all the deceptive actions and lie she was holding from you over the years and I finally wanted something else but I feel what she did was a planned executed deceptive lie that she continued to do over and over again and keep for me all the way up until the very end Halo till now and I asked her laid out be honest with me and I don’t believe she has it in her to do that I just feel she’s been lying like this so long she doesn’t know how to be truthful and that sucks because now we have one year old son and I feel like the last 13 years were ripped right from underneath me and I don’t know how to get past it or forgive her or if I should forgive her so that I can heal and just release her

joan michael
joan michael

my fiancé broke up with me last week i was so sad I changed completely, I wasn’t eating and i wasn’t talking to anybody, I cried a lot, I was so depressed and stressed out that I was scared I’m going to end up in the hospital because of all the stress and depression until one day i search online on getting love tips because I Love & care about him deeply and I just want us to be together as a couple again and I want us to last forever then i found a powerful spell caster Called dr jumba that he solved so many relationship problem then dr jumba told me he will come back to me between 24hrs after he cast spell on him never believe it until my finance called me on the phone and told me he want us to come back and live happily together forever , Am so happy now that dr jumba help me bring my finance back to me. Thanks so much dr jumba  he can also help you Email him via:  wiccalovespelltools @ gmail. com 


Very helpful reading comments etc . I wish our counselor could find the problem my husband has had since day we met 2 yrs ago and he’s hidden cheating for whole 2 yrs . I discovered it and he’s told me to my face he was living the dream and would never Destroy us . He insisted on counseling and yet he lied to him and has continued his sneaky behavior and I caught him at it again . He’s wasting therapist and my time so I told him I wanted a divorce and he’s all of a sudden asking for forgiveness saying he wants to be married forever . I don’t believe him especially after he’s been doing this since I met him was engaged and since marriage . Any advice would be helpful bc I’m so hurt and depressed right now and he continues to try and get on my good side and romance me . I told him not to touch me that he needed help .

Paul victor
Paul victor

I want to thank a very kind and powerful psychic who brought back my ex wife who left me she told me she wants to be alone and left me and the kids i was devastated everyday i keep thinking how i would live without her one day i was online when i found DR OBOH website then i contacted him,He told me not to worry she will be back in 24hours after he cast his love spell i had some doubt though but i just did all he instructed and had a little faith,To my greatest surprise the next day she was back to me and the family she told me she was sad because she couldn’t get pregnant since we have been trying but DR OBOH also solved that now she is 3 weeks pregnant i’m so excited i highly recommend him he is powerful and can help you too with different problems email him now at babaoboh11@gmail. com

Tineka Howell
Tineka Howell

My husband and I have been married for over 10 years. We met when I was 18 and he was 21. We’ve been through a lot emotionally together. There were several HUGE fights and painful situations in our marriage, but we always seemed to come out stronger on the other side. Out of the blue my husband just sprung the divorce talk on me, I was totally depressed until I found Dr. Todd website online and I ordered for a Love spell. You won’t believe my husband called me at the exact time this spell caster finished his spell work in 48hrs. I was totally amazed! He is wonderful and his spells work so fast. His Email: manifest spell cast@ g mail. com 

Rita Collins
Rita Collins

I thank God for leading me to the site where I met a testimony about Dr TRUST temple who has done a lot of for people. I contacted him for urgent help to save my marriage my surprise about this priest in less than a week my went back to the court and cancel the divorce by his self call me to come back home there’s no need for the divorce anymore. The reason am now is to appreciate what Dr TRUST has done for my life with the reunion love spell he did for me. I will also his contact information here. ( placeofsolutiontemple@ gmail. com ) 


Hello everyone, i would like to share my story with you all because i believe it would be of help.I just got over my divorce tussle that went on for almost two years November 2 2019,i filed for divorce because i knew she was cheating but i had no evidence to back up my claim.Long story cut short i decided to check online if i could have access to another person”s phone without touching or installing any software on it and i met this guy i was very shocked because i got all info including deleted ones.If you would like to get in touch with him,send him a mail via= hack.truth77AT gmail . com

Marcus Carl
Marcus Carl

My husband and I have been married for over 10 years. We met when I was 18 and he was 21. We’ve been through a lot emotionally together. There were several HUGE fights and painful situations in our marriage, but we always seemed to come out stronger on the other side. Out of the blue my husband just sprung the divorce talk on me, I was totally depressed until I found the Dr.Todd website online and I ordered a Love spell. You won’t believe my husband called me at the exact time this spell caster finished his spell work in 24hours. I was totally amazed! He is wonderful and his spells work so fast. His contact: manifestspellcast @ g mail. com…


Am Benita I and my partner used to fight a lot like everyday, we loved each other but our likes started changing, I almost let go buy something happen when I sat down and had a review on how I can bring back peace ‌into our relationship on a site seeing a lot of people discussing about solution temple who help with the same problem I was passing through I contacted him and had a chat with him for peace restoration because I was really tire of fighting, A spiritual prayer was done on my partner by priest Adu which totally restore the peace back to normal that I have praying over a long period of time. thank God everything worked out again we don’t fight anymore since the intervention of priest Adu. am out here to show my gratitude and share his contact as-well {}

Osman Curtis
Osman Curtis

Everything is working for my good after I made contact with Dr Amber the spell caster that prepared a spell for me which made me a Lottery winner of 7 million dollars and he can help you too. Email: amberlottotemple @yahoo . com

Demian Ford
Demian Ford

You may not believe what I’m about to say but it’s true. Dr Amber prepared a lottery spell for me that made me a winner of 107 Million Dollars after I got in touch with him. Now I know that there’s absolutely nothing too hard for DR Amber to do. To get in touch with him, email : [ amberlottotemple @yahoo . com ].


  Infidelity, cheating is what my wife accused me of and wants divorce. she


she is angry I once had a relationship with her sister when I was in Vegas. I hadn´t even met my wife then, she found out and told me because she can´t bear the pain that I didn´t tell her all this years of our marriage. I do not think it´s important because It happened 4 years before I met my wife at the airport and we started being friends and we dated for about a month or two and we got married. It was when we were getting married I found out they were sisters. She was the elder sister to my wife. We have 4 grown up teenagers together, I do not understand why all these matters. Her sister is also married to someone else and they are happy, I do not know why my wife can´t let go even after so much apology.


But to my greatest surprise, I came across a psychic I found that helped my marriage,


(sango priestess love solution AT gmail . com)


whom so many people where talking good reviews about on Yelp. He helped me out to cast a love reuniting forgiving spell that made my wife come to me just last week to reconcile back to me and cancel the on going divorce. we have immediately renew our marriage vows and promise to love each other more than ever till death do us part.


What would I have done if not for this priestess sango?? I have never been this happen with my wife in years ever since we reunited.

Katrina O'Callaghan
Katrina O'Callaghan

it’s unbelievable gaining access into my husband’s device remotely ! The dude spytech hacker mentioned above provided a thorough access to the mobile phone’s data. After all, it was not a waste of effort. There was severe infidelity on his part. Now, I guess I need the divorce immediately and child custody too… contact with the hacker hackerspytech at g mail c om


I cannot believe this is serious. The husband is evil to the core. Nothing he says matters because he lies continuously. Narcissist or sociopath, or both.


Thank you so much.

Deborah Nathan
Deborah Nathan

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Dr. Ellyn Bader

Dr. Ellyn Bader is Co-Founder & Director of The Couples Institute and creator of The Developmental Model of Couples Therapy. Ellyn is widely recognized as an expert in couples therapy, and since 2006 she has led innovative online training programs for therapists. Professionals from around the world connect with her through internet, conference calls and blog discussions to study couples therapy. Ellyn’s first book, "In Quest of the Mythical Mate," won the Clark Vincent Award by the California Association of Marriage & Family Therapists for its outstanding contribution to the field of marital therapy and is now in its 18th printing. She has been featured on over 50 radio and television programs including "The Today Show" and "CBS Early Morning News," and she has been quoted in many publications including "The New York Times," "The Oprah Magazine" and "Cosmopolitan."

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