What If You Had the Roadmap to
Create Lasting Change with Clients?

The Developmental Model Gives you x-ray vision into relationship challenges so you can address the real issues instead of the symptoms.

Created by industry innovators, the Developmental Model gives you a roadmap for incisive change. And this training includes a community to support your work as a couples therapist.

Created by industry leaders, the Developmental Model harnesses neuroscience, differentiation, and attachment theory to give you a roadmap for lasting relationship transformation.

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Too many training courses focus on behavioral skills and quick fixes rather than addressing the deeper wounds that keep clients stuck.

These other approaches might provide temporary relief, but they often fall short when it comes to real, sustained transformation. When clients get stuck, it’s often because they lack certain skills or capacities – not because they are fundamentally flawed.

Instead of teaching clients how to behave differently, the Developmental Model invites them – and you – to explore deeper layers of growth. To shift the focus from problem solving to differentiation and individual growth.
By building the individual skills each client needs, you equip them with the strength to relax their guard. To be vulnerable. To resolve fights without exploding or shutting down.
The Developmental Model sees couples’ struggles not as signs of illness, but as opportunities for growth. In a world quick to label and diagnose, the Developmental Model is a refreshing and powerful alternative. It shifts the focus from what’s wrong to what’s possible, empowering you to lead your clients toward lasting, meaningful change that goes far beyond most other approaches.
Your belief in what is possible for couples becomes their inspiration, fostering an environment where they can thrive.

We combine Attachment Theory, Neuroscience, and Differentiation to give you the solution to almost every relationship challenge.

I have done the work – so you don’t have to – to integrate recent findings in neuroscience, attachment theory, and differentiation. This gives you the foundation to diagnose, intervene, and significantly change even the types of couples who made you freeze.

Attachment Theory

You’ll become skilled at assessing each partner’s primary attachment pattern and learn immediate applications to help couples develop secure attachment.

Differentiation Theory

You will support the evolution of each partner, as well as the growth of the relationship. This makes couples strong enough to manage differences and conflict over their lifetime.


We teach cutting edge techniques to deal with early life trauma that is stored in the emotional brain and contributes to the pain couples inflict on each other. We make it easy to share simple neuroscience concepts – clients are often grateful because this education gives them hope!

When integrated, those 3 pillars provide an unprecedented foundation so you can:

Help couples understand the underlying cause of relationship distress.

Apply practical techniques to get healing results.

Motivate unmotivated partners to take action.

Create progress so your couples don’t get discouraged and give up.

Martha used to become confused in sessions because sexual issues are so complex and difficult for clients to discuss, but now she can hold the focus on one thing at a time and really make a difference for them.

Martha Kauppi, LMFT, ACST Madison, WI

Challenging Couples, Community, Clinical Improvement

Tom says the Developmental Model translates well for working with queer couples because it’s really about how to be an individual inside a relationship, whatever the relationship structure looks like. And he especially appreciates the supportive community.

Tom Bruett, MS, LMFT Denver, CO

Diversity, Community, Clinical Improvement

Tammy joined training as a relatively new therapist and it has made a big difference in her personal life as well as her professional life. She values the community, has increased her confidence in working with couples, and is now having to decide what to do with more clients than she can see.

Tammy Van Hinte, MA, RCC Victoria BC

Community, Personal, New Therapist, Full Practice

When Janae first started training, her work was primarily with individuals. Now she is able to work at a new level with individuals and see more couples, too. She’s learned a whole new language she can use with all of her clients.

Janae Munday, LCSW Phoenix, AZ

Individuals, Tools/Framework, Clinical Improvement

What can the Developmental Model do for Individual Therapists?

Do you work with individuals who constantly complain about their partner? It’s easy to get pulled into colluding or agreeing with them. And it’s hard to identify their role in the problem.
When you get just one side of the story, it’s difficult to figure out, “What is this client doing that’s getting in their way?”
The assessments and tools you’ll find here help uncover the role your client plays in issues they complain about. And you’ll learn to assess the emotional capacities your individual clients lack, so you can target your work toward the personal development they need.
When you do that, you’ll become a catalyst for the changes your clients want – even if their partner doesn’t come to therapy.
“I only see individuals and this course has elevated my practice in ways I had not anticipated. I have used many of the interventions in individual sessions, and I feel so much more able to help clients with their relationships. Ellyn showed me how to effectively step back and look at the big picture and address the patterns and processes rather than the situations. This program has given me a whole new perspective on relationships and communication, and it is invaluable!”
Kira Lynne, BA, RPC, CCPCPR, Vancouver, Canada
“Although I work with individuals, I have improved my capacity in helping individuals understand, normalize, and make meaningful and beneficial changes in their relations.”
Angelica Traverso, Psychologist, Santiago, Chile
“I see mainly individuals. However, the Developmental Model has been invaluable in expanding my work. I have become a more confident therapist and find myself taking more responsibility in my personal life for what happens for me internally. Thank you for this life changing communal experience.”
Judith Howse, Registered Clinical Counsellor and Psychotherapist, South Yarra, Australia

Do you want mind-blowing transformation in less than a year, with “aha” moments starting immediately?

It only takes a few weeks to understand the basics of the Developmental Model. But because it’s so robust, it can grow with you through the length of your career.

In 12 weeks or less you will have a completely different mindset when facing tough situations. 

In 12 months, you’ll be rock steady confident because you’ll have the tools to assess, intervene, and motivate – solutions you can’t observe in regular CE courses.

“I wish I could have come out of school and done this. Within 2-3 of the lessons I had tools I could use right away. I can’t imagine ever tapping out of the program and I can’t imagine therapists or coaches getting anything better for their money than what’s here!”
Noelle Cochran, PsyD, San Francisco, CA
“I’m just getting into the 1st lesson. Those questions are excellent, and tackle areas I find myself getting stuck. I’ve specialized in couples for 10 years, and I’m very excited to think about cases in a new way.”
Amy Lemberger, MS, LMFT, Brookfield, WI

Bridge the Gap Between Learning and Doing:

Practice with Experts!

Many courses give you videos and theories, expecting you to have the courage to integrate them into your sessions. And to do it well, right off the bat! But when you're under pressure with real clients, theory often falls short. And as ancient poet Archilochus said, “We don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.”
Unlike other programs that leave you to figure things out on your own, we give you weekly opportunities for practice. First, you’ll watch Ellyn and experienced trainers demonstrate techniques, and then you’ll step into roleplays to practice them yourself, with real-time feedback.

You’re not just learning – you’re doing.
You’re not just watching – you’re participating.
And you’re not just hoping for results – you’re seeing them, session after session.

Upcoming practice sessions include:

Empathic Embellishments and Connecting
with Each Partner

What is an Autonomous Goal? Practicing Internal Self-focus for Symbiotic Clients
Slowing Down, Avoiding Problem-Solving and Working with Each Partner
Identifying and Working with Symbiotic Shifts in Early Sessions
How you establish yourself, your role, and your leadership makes an enormous difference in your clients’ motivation to do the work, and the outcome of therapy itself. That’s why we start your journey off with carefully chosen topics: so you can really get into your bones what it means to slow down and avoid problem solving. There is almost no greater skill you can develop than to guide clients toward an internal focus, set goals for themselves (regardless of their partner’s behavior), and hold them to their goals in the face of adversity.

Video, Audio, or Written Delivery, Introvert or Extrovert

We’ve Got Your Learning Style Covered!

The Developmental Model program is the most personalized and in-depth program available.
Every learning style is supported, from social extroverts to introverted wallflowers, auditory processors to avid readers.
You get abundant resources in the format that works for you!
Want to jump into a lively community, present a case, ask questions, or practice new skills? Come on in, that water’s fine!
Would you rather curl up with something to read and never have to talk to a single person? We’ve got you covered.

Live Trainings

We’ve Got Your Learning Style Covered!

Q&A call with Trainers

Weekly Guided Practice Sessions

CEs for psychotherapists

Bonus Calls with Special Guests like, Esther Perel, Diane Poole Heller, Stan Tatkin

Self-Study Learnings

Replays of every
clinical session

Video demonstrations and deep dives of specific techniques

Real client session videos

Transcripts, Handouts, and
Client Worksheets

24 strategically sequenced written lessons

Written summaries and transcripts of clinical sessions

21+ handouts you can use or give to your clients

Homework for clients to support your work


Message boards

Referral Network


Plays LIVE

Our students say
“This training comes with a Search Tool Better Than Google!”

Type any question into the search box and pull up case studies, consultations, transcripts, demonstrations and solutions for anything you need within seconds. And with ongoing live support, you’re never left to figure things out on your own.
You can maximize your investment in as little as 5-6 hours per month. But there’s enough material inside, you could drink from the hose every day!
“My mind gets blown away every freakin’ time! I love the depths of material that’s available. It’s like couples therapy Wikipedia. And a community with couples therapists like this is hard to come by. They understand the challenges, so feedback and support from very skilled therapists is helpful. The theory itself gives you a hold to do underlying deeper work for couples. It just keeps adding!”
Julie Peaslee, CMHC, Salt Lake City, Utah

Three steps to recharge your practice


Explore the industry-inspiring Developmental Model over 3,000 therapists have relied  on in 72 countries


Use the diagnostic assessment and get a clear roadmap for treatment


Develop confidence – instead of hope or guesswork – to bring clarity to any situation

Get immediate access to this high-touch,
comprehensive program when you join!

Every fifteen days you will get a new foundational lesson that’s practical, concise, and focuses on a specific situation. These written guides show you how to address and solve problems based on the Developmental Model such as:

The Hostile-Angry Couple

The Conflict Avoidant Couple

The Passive Aggressive Partner

The Narcissistic Partner

The Self-Absorbed Partner

The Silently Disengaged Partner

The Addicted Partner

Lies, Betrayal, Affairs, and Infidelity

You’ll discover nuggets of insight and directions that can be picked up at a moment’s notice so you have an extra boost of assurance before seeing your next client. You can immediately implement what you learn in this program. We make it easy!

The 24 lessons are delivered in a way that creates a solid foundation and builds your skills brick by brick.

You’ll also learn about a wide range of topics including:

The Members Area is also where you’ll be part of a thriving community with rich, interactive discussions. You have the opportunity to ask questions, address stuck places, and discuss how to move therapy forward. We don’t shy away from difficult issues like:

Integrating individual sessions into your couples work

Managing confidentiality between partners

When one partner is in early recovery

Sexual Desire Discrepancy

Threats of violence or divorce

How to help couples repair and reconnect after infidelity

CE training for Psychotherapists

The 24 lessons are delivered in a way that creates a solid foundation and builds your skills brick by brick.

The training is the beginning. A community of like-minded therapists is the support you’ve been missing.
Therapy is a deeply personal journey—not just for your clients, but for you. The skills you develop, the insights you gain, and the confidence you build are all part of your professional evolution.
But here’s the truth: growth is never a solo endeavor. The most impactful change happens in community, alongside peers who understand your challenges, share your ambitions, and support your journey.
We believe in the power of learning together. This program isn’t just about acquiring knowledge or practicing techniques; it’s about feeling safe to try new things, refine your work, and feeling nurtured as you grow throughout your entire career.

Here’s what our students have to say about the culture of the Developmental Model program…

“I’ve wanted this my entire career – a place to grow where there is room for everyone to be BIG. Where there is not a shred of competition, but rather, support and encouragement and real Love.”
Sue Diamond, MA, RCC, Vancouver BC
“What an honor and privilege it is to witness the emotional courage…the way everyone here has been showing up makes me think of something I read in lesson 8, about how a couple treats and responds to each other’s vulnerability is what determines whether or not the relationship will be experienced as magnificent or miserable. Clearly the way this community invites and cares for vulnerability and transparency is what makes it so magnificent.”
Cindy Leavitt, LCSW from Cortez, Colorado
“When I first signed up, I didn't expect the community to be as crucial for my learning as it was. The support, the openness and willingness to help and share really touched me. I am deeply grateful to everyone with whom I interacted. To see how very experienced therapists do their work is the best way to learn, and it has been a privilege.”
María Elena Dávila García, Humanistic and Gestalt Couples and Family Therapist, Quito, Ecuador
“This place is such an oasis in a world that can feel so out of balance.”
Joe Winn, LCSW, CST-S, Concord, Massachusetts
"One thing that has stood out to me is the culture. Integrity, respect, care, warmth, support, encouragement. I'd also like to say thanks to my peers on the course who presented cases. I was so impressed by all who did this and learned so much from your work.”
Natasha Delgarno MNZAC, Registered Counselor, Auckland, New Zealand

Who’s using The Developmental Model? The best of the best, and those who aspire to join them.

“This is one of the most comprehensive models for couples work that I have seen in action. It allows therapists to use the knowledge and training they already have, and gives them specific tools to create deep and lasting change. Therapists learn not to shy away from differences (culture, race, gender, religion) but to view partners as two unique individuals who can co-create a loving partnership that values what they each bring. Ellyn teaches you to cut right to the heart of relationship struggles with clarity and strong leadership.”
Esther Perel
Belgian Psychotherapist Author of Mating in Captivity and The State of Affairs
“The Developmental Model not only provides endless tools for couples treatment, it is approachable and intuitive. It's the best framework I know for therapists who are looking for answers to the big questions in couples therapy: where do I start, how do I structure treatment, and how do I inspire lasting progress?"
Diane Poole Heller, PhD
Author of The Power of Attachment and Healing Your Attachment Wounds
Creator of DARe - Dynamic Attachment Repatterning experience
“Ellyn Bader is a master therapist and a peerless trainer. My work with couples has been greatly enhanced by learning her Developmental Model.”
Jeffrey K. Zeig, PhD
The Milton H. Erickson Foundation.
"Ellyn is an outstanding thinker, writer, clinician, and trainer. I've known her for years and not only do I trust her knowledge and integrity, I find her wisdom and teaching style to be first rate. My students think so as well."
Stan Tatkin, PsyD, LMFT
Author of Wired for Love and We Do

Sounds great, but what’s the data on the Developmental Model?

We’re glad you asked! The Developmental Model has an impressive track record that continues to grow. The statistics from our training community speak for themselves:

96% say it gave them a roadmap for couples work

95% say it also helps them with individual clients

95% say it’s easy to integrate with what they already know

Over 3,000 therapists in 72 countries have adopted The Developmental Model

Not only will you transform your practice, you’ll be part of something that is changing the world.

Developmental Model Trainees in 74 Countries Worldwide

About Ellyn

This Program is a Magnum Opus Created by one of the Leading Founders of Couples Therapy, Dr. Ellyn Bader

Dr. Ellyn Bader is Co-Founder & Director of The Couples Institute and creator of The Developmental Model of Couples Therapy with her husband, Dr. Peter Pearson. Dr. Bader is widely recognized as an expert in couples therapy training. She has trained therapists throughout the United States as well as in Europe, Asia, South America, and Australia/New Zealand.
Since 2006, Ellyn has led innovative couples therapy training programs. Professionals from around the world connect with her online for live training sessions and forums to study couples therapy. Therapists from 72 countries have taken her online training course.

Ellyn has co-authored two books. The first one, In Quest of the Mythical Mate, was awarded the Clark Vincent Award by the California Association of Marriage & Family Therapists for its outstanding contribution to the field of marital therapy and has been reprinted more than 20 times. She has been featured on over 70 radio and television programs including The Today Show and CBS Early Morning News, and she has been quoted in The New York Times, The Oprah Magazine, Cosmopolitan and many more.

The Developmental Model is the last relationship training you’ll ever need. Are you ready to try it risk-free and transform your practice?

Difficult scenarios, combative couples, and uncharted territory will always be part of your growing practice. Do you want to keep guessing as you go, or become the calm, confident leader that controls the chaos?
Your couples need your guidance, and you want to rise above the noise and know you’re making the right decisions.
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“This is one of the most comprehensive models for couples work that I have seen in action. It allows therapists to use the knowledge and training they already have, and gives them specific tools to create deep and lasting change. Therapists learn not to shy away from differences (culture, race, gender, religion) but to view partners as two unique individuals who can co-create a loving partnership that values what they each bring. Ellyn teaches you to cut right to the heart of relationship struggles with clarity and strong leadership.”
Esther Perel
Belgian Psychotherapist

Author of Mating in Captivity and The State of Affairs

How do I know the Developmental Model is right for me?

Are you a therapist who wants to…
We have all the answers. We know that’s a bold promise.
Glen is an experienced therapist and the President of Well Marriage Center in Fairfax. When Glen learned about the Developmental Model he signed up for the training program and soon realized that he wanted all of his associates to take the training. As a result Glen has noticed improvements for clients, and also richer exchanges in staff meetings.

Glen Denlinger, LCSW, BCD President & Clinical Director of Well Marriage Center. Fairfax, VA

New Therapists, Experienced Therapists, Training, Associates, Confidence

Alexa was very grateful she took the training and learned the material when she did, but it wasn’t until she started working with it that something shifted inside and she really saw what differentiation was, how it functioned, and how it strengthened relationships. She’s had especially complex cases during the pandemic, and she couldn’t have done the work as well without the training. “I am forever grateful for what you and Pete put into this.”

Alexa Elkington, MFT Las Vegas, NV

Remote Work, Complicated Cases, Clinical Improvement

See what our students and advanced therapists have to say…

“I found myself getting overwhelmed by the tension in the room. Once I learned the value of conflict and how to navigate it, it was a massive game changer. In this program, you’re held, supported, and seen at any level. No one is left behind. I started thinking differently with couples and individuals right away. Now, I feel confident charging much better rates and have a waitlist. Every door in this program is full of gold.”
Nicole McLeod, M.A.
North Vancouver, Canada
“Since starting this course the one thing that has resonated in my clinical work is feeling that I have structure. I believe this relates to the couple clarifying their goals for working with me. I'm excited to help couples put into words their desire for a better life together and for ongoing growth. Thank you.”
Sharon James, Counselor and Relationship Therapist
Maroubra, NSW

FAQs about the Developmental Model Training Program

How many CE credits can I get?

Most licenses receive 36 CE hours. Click here to read the course objectives, accreditation, and other information before registering.

Can the Developmental Model be used with individuals?

Because the Developmental Model focuses on relationship challenges and enables individuals to face their own contributions to relationship stress, it provides clarity and direction for individual therapy sessions as well. Some of our students have said the Model helps them assume the leadership role as a therapist, gives individuals tools to navigate their couple and family relationships, and reduces their own stress too. While it’s taught with couples in mind, we’ve received insurmountable evidence and feedback that it’s great for individual therapy, too.

When does the program start?

The program starts about 4 minutes after you enroll! Once you join, you can immediately log into the site and find answers to your questions. Our students say our search tool is better than Google, so you can find answers to implement in your own practice right off the bat. That being said, we close on February 2, 2025 so don’t wait too long to join – especially at the current price!

How is the training program structured?

The Developmental Model program is the most personalized and in-depth training available. With live, interactive calls with advanced trainers, bonus calls, special guest calls, messaging forums with your peers, and our vast library of updated resources, you have everything at your fingertips. Our students say this training comes with “a Search Tool Better Than Google” because of the specific and vast resources available instantly. You can type your question or keyword into the search box and pull up case studies, consultations, lessons, discussions, and solutions for anything you need help with in seconds. And with ongoing live support, you’re never left to figure things out on your own.

What’s in the lessons?

Our lessons are tailored to give you clear solutions to the biggest problems your couples face. This includes challenges like infidelity, passive aggressive or narcissistic partners, conflict avoidance, addiction and substance abuse, hostile fighting couples – truly anything you can think of. Each lesson solves the problems of “What do I say when…?” and gives you the best ways to structure a treatment program from start to finish. Often therapists can get lost or stuck navigating these issues and default to solving the wrong, smaller problems, leading to burnout or playing whack-a-mole with the problem of the week. With our approach, you can build motivation with your couples so they work harder than you do and you can even relax in your practice because you’re always prepared.

How much time do I need to spend in the program?

To get the most out of your investment, we recommend spending 5-6 hours per month, whether it’s attending live calls, posting your case and getting feedback, reading the lessons, or diving deeper into a topic found in the bonus calls or special training calls. There’s unlimited value for you to use however you choose!

How does it work if I live outside the US?

This is not a program you navigate alone. No matter where you live, you are included and supported. We tailor our live calls to accommodate most time zones and every call is available with a replay. Because we serve therapists all over the world, this program works wherever you practice. With access to messaging forums, live interactive calls, replays, reading material, and more, you will see how personal this program really is.

What’s the cost?

You can subscribe to this program for $189/month OR make one annual payment of $1,997 (a $271 savings over the monthly plan)

Check out our payment options now

Do I need special credentials to enroll?

The only criteria to enroll is a desire to work with couples or if you work with individuals with relationship issues. This program is appropriate and beneficial for licensed therapists, coaches, clergy, mediators, and interns.

Iron Clad Guarantee:

We know that the Developmental Model works. What we don’t know is whether you’ll put this to work for you. That’s why we don’t think you should have to pay for it until you’ve tried, tested, and proven to yourself that it can work for you.
Our Iron Clad Guarantee promises 100% satisfaction. If you believe this program is not right for you, you will receive a complete refund if you request it from us before February 11, 2025.
You can accomplish all this before February 11:

If this program isn’t working for you, we wouldn’t dream of keeping your money. Just send us a quick email before February 11 and we will refund every penny.

Hear from more of your colleagues...

"One of the biggest benefits of this programme is the wealth of information, material and support being delivered via different formats i.e. written lessons, live sessions, videos demonstrations, handouts, and bonus calls with other leaders in this field. This has made it such a rich, stimulating, exciting and enhancing learning experience.”
Katrina Waller, Romford, Essex, UK, UKCP Registered Systemic Psychotherapist
“It is wonderful to have all the calls recorded so I can listen to them in my own time. I am aware that I don't particularly like sharing in a larger group, however I have still learnt a lot. I absolutely love the fact everyone in this community is so welcoming, kind and positive – that is a real blessing!”
Lara Chitty, PGDip. MBACP (Accred), RegCOSRT, Salisbury UK
"The turning point for me was when I presented my case and was able to think together with Ellyn and the community about interventions for my own work. Since then I have felt like I've been able to integrate the model and ideas in ways that feel more natural and fluid. What I've learned has definitely helped me conceptualize what's going on with the couples I work with in ways that are so useful."
Claudia Rosen, LCSW, Evanston, IL
“The model has enhanced my practice and given me the confidence and structure I needed to work with couples. I love the Developmental Model and the attachment frame. Because of this training, couples are who I like working with best – even the very challenging ones. I also specialize in co-parenting therapy with divorced couples, mediation, and other forensic work. This model is so valuable in working with this population also. Thank you for this incredible program!”
Shannon Seeley, LCSW
Soquel, California
Martha used to become confused in sessions because sexual issues are so complex and difficult for clients to discuss, but now she can hold the focus on one thing at a time and really make a difference for them.

Martha Kauppi, LMFT, ACST Madison, WI

Challenging Couples, Community, Clinical Improvement

When Janae first started training, her work was primarily with individuals. Now she is able to work at a new level with individuals and see more couples, too. She’s learned a whole new language she can use with all of her clients.

Janae Munday, LCSW Phoenix, AZ

Individuals, Tools/Framework, Clinical Improvement

Glen is an experienced therapist and the President of Well Marriage Center in Fairfax. When Glen learned about the Developmental Model he signed up for the training program and soon realized that he wanted all of his associates to take the training. As a result Glen has noticed improvements for clients, and also richer exchanges in staff meetings.

Glen Denlinger, LCSW, BCD President & Clinical Director of Well Marriage Center. Fairfax, VA

New Therapists, Experienced Therapists, Training, Associates, Confidence


We believe in risk. Without it, The Couples Institute, the Developmental Model, and the transformation of over 3,000 therapists never would have happened.
But we know everyone has a different starting point. Something that’s a mild or moderate risk for one person might seem like an extreme risk for another.
Our Iron Clad Guarantee promises 100% satisfaction or your money back. Give us until February 11, 2025 to prove it to you. If we don’t, we’ll give you a full refund so you have nothing to lose – zero risk.

Live clinical sessions

Client Handouts

Case consultations

Referral network

Weekly drop-in calls

Post your own gnarly clinical questions

36 CE Hours

Couples Intensives training waitlist

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