Thank you for checking out this unique way to create a breakthrough with your toughest, most challenging couple.

The two things covered in this message are:
  1. How to bring up the possibility of a two day workshop for your couple;
  2. A link to a page for your couples to read to see if they are interested.
First – don’t approach your couple as if you’re trying to sell them something. You’re not. The discussion is about introducing a possible way to accelerate their progress. If they have no interest – no problem. Not every stuck couple will profit from the two days. In the description of the workshop I spell out the mindset that’s required for participants to get the most from it. From experience, I know some couples will stay locked in their prison of blame and withdrawal even if they are handed keys to their cell. However, I am impressed that so many couples, if given the right circumstances and sufficient time to learn and practice new responses, can make substantial progress. Here is one way you might discuss the workshop to your couple. “I have a suggestion for you that may accelerate your progress in here. It is an opportunity to learn a different set of skills and, more importantly, the time to practice them. In our frantic-paced world, there’s never time to really practice the complex set of skills necessary to make a significant difference in your relationship. I am talking about a two-day workshop lead by one of the most experienced couples therapists in the country. If you’re at all interested, I’d encourage you to spend a few minutes reading more about it. Write the url on a piece of paper to give each of them or copy and paste it into an email to send them so they don't have to memorize it: A common concern for couples is whether they might be pressured or even forced to share their personal life more publicly than they are comfortable in a group setting with strangers. You can reassure them that everyone’s privacy is completely respected. Nobody is made to disclose anything, and their desire for privacy does not affect their ability to learn and practice the skills I teach. As you know, after the workshop, you’re invited to join me on a conference call where I will review what I have taught your couple so that you can build on their experience and take advantage of their new momentum. A very unusual guarantee If a couple attends this workshop and, for any reason, they believe the insights and skills cannot help their relationship, they will get a courteous complete and total refund of the workshop fee. You – and your couple – can call me and ask any additional questions at 650-324-0150 x3. Or send me an email. Thank you again for your interest and trust, Dr. Peter Pearson

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