Losing Direction: When Intimacy Avoiders Lead You Astray

Partners who desperately want intimacy often push it away. It’s easy to lose direction with them. They demand more openness from their partners but then deflect, attack or give double messages when their partners are more open. Let’s look at how you might work with a couple named Sue and Joe. Sue expresses ongoing frustration […]

Losing Direction: Where Are You Going and What Are You Using For a Roadmap?

Losing Direction: Where Are You Going and What Are You Using For a Roadmap?

We’ve been discussing losing control and losing momentum. Today’s post is about losing direction. It might feel like the same kind of discomfort, but the reason is different. Perhaps you are in the middle of a session and unexpectedly you feel surprised, overwhelmed, or incompetent. Losing direction happens when your intuition is no longer sufficient. […]

Losing Momentum: After an Affair

Losing Momentum: When One Partner Keeps Obsessing about the Details of a Partner’s Affair In today’s world of cell phones, text messages and emails, it has become much easier for partners to unearth infidelity – and to be able to follow the communication trail between lovers. A couple comes to see you after an affair […]

Losing Momentum: With Passive-Aggressive Partners and their Spouses

Many therapists dread working with couples where one partner is extremely passive or passive-aggressive. Passive-aggressive partners create a lot of confusion. Commitments are regularly broken, and criticism and passivity dominate the couple’s interactions. Their spouse is usually enormously frustrated and angry. Any attempts by the couple to change the pattern fail, and increasingly the interpersonal […]

Losing Momentum: Do You Start Strong and Then See the Energy Fizzle?

It’s pretty common to start couples therapy strong. You use your empathy skills and make a good connection with each partner. Each one has a chance to describe the problem and each feels understood. And with basic skills, you begin to shift troubled interactions to more collaboration and better communication. Then it happens. Progress stalls. […]

Losing Control: When Couples Fight

Losing Control When Couples Fight

It is very common for angry partners to come in saying they had a great big fight during the week and they want to talk about it. Sometimes they’ll even call you to request an emergency session. At that moment they are like a powder keg in search of a match. Don’t light the fuse! […]

Losing Control: It Happens Sooner Than You Think

Losing Control: It Happens Sooner Than You Think

Losing control of a given couples therapy session happens sooner and faster than you think. How soon? Often it is in the first few minutes of a session. Here’s what I mean. It has to do with how you start a session. Here are some very common openings for couples sessions: How have things been […]

Losing Control: When Couples Sessions Spin Out of Control

Please think about a time when you lost control of a session. Were you too caught up in your own discomfort, anxiety, or discouragement to contemplate specifically how it happened? Couples sessions spin out of control when clients are angry. They escalate rapidly. Their emotional brain starts running the show. Rational thinking is gone. When […]

Working with Early Trauma in the Initiator-Inquirer

When you are doing Initiator-Inquirer sessions, be sure to watch how partners function in their assigned roles. The combination of the role and each partner’s functioning will give you a clear insight into each partner’s level of differentiation. You will see where each person breaks down and you will also be able to locate past […]

Helplessness Underlies Many Control Struggles

I am pleased that many readers took the time to think about the last transcript I posted. I enjoyed reading your perspectives and seeing your comments about my interventions. If you missed the first installment of this series you can read it here. Before giving you the second section of the transcript, I want to […]

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