Welcome to a community of couples therapists who are dedicated, and who are stretching to be the best therapists they can be.

With Couples Institute Mobile, you’re in at the very beginning of something very special! Partners are struggling with each other, and therapists are challenged by those partners. It will be a huge advance in couples therapy when we can utilize mobile technology to both temper those struggles, and help couples make better progress in the gaps between therapy sessions.

We’re excited that you’re in the loop, and we’ll bring you development updates as they happen.

At the same time…

By signing up to get information on the Developmental Model Training, you’ve just taken the first step to be more effective in your sessions with couples.

We continuously hear how the training has pushed members forward in their effectiveness and in their confidence, no matter how long they’ve been in practice. You’ll get 24 lessons, monthly clinical calls, answers to your questions, day and night, and special training calls with other experts including insights to help you build your practice.

You can start learning now. Go here www.couplesinstitute.com/sample to read a FREE lesson from our training program, “Lies, Deception, Infidelity and Jealousy,” reference a handy guide document, and watch a video with more information about the training.

Check out our website for blogs and resources to help you in your journey.

And look for updates and insights in your inbox soon!

The Couples Institute