The Therapist’s Toolkit for Working with
Neurodiverse Couples
Led by Jill Corvelli, Ph.D.
When neurodiversity shows up in couples therapy, do you know where to start?
November 7, 9am-10:30am Pacific Time
Neurodiverse couples are less likely to get the help they really need compared to neurotypical couples because oftentimes, they’re undiagnosed or their therapist doesn’t know how to help.
In The Therapist’s Toolkit for Working with Neurodiverse Couples, led by Dr. Jill Corvelli from Neurodiverse (ND) Partners Institute, you’ll learn how to help couples build bridges between their different worlds so they can find hope and motivation to keep doing the work on their relationship.
Because here’s the thing about neurodivergent couples – they just don’t know what they don’t know. And you might not, either!
In this training you will…
- Learn to identify a neurodiverse (ND) client so you can take the right approach for their unique needs.
- Get an in-depth understanding of the two most common neurodiverse conditions and how they relate within couples: ADHD and ASD.
- See a demonstration of the exact script you can use to introduce the possibility of ADHD or ASD to a couple.
- Cultivate a neurodivergent lens, which increases your confidence in working with neurodiverse partnerships and gives you skillful responses to common challenges.
- See an in-depth look at how an ND partner functions in relationship with a neurotypical (NT) partner.
- Discover the Neurodiverse Compass so you can help couples navigate through what they can and can’t change without feeling defeated or misunderstood.
The Couples Institute is partnering with Dr. Jill Corvelli to bring guidance and clarity on how to approach this topic with your own clients.
Register now for this 90-minute training
The Therapist’s Toolkit for Working
with Neurodiverse Couples
Registration comes with replay!
November 7, 9am-10:30am Pacific Time
Couples with neurodiversity in one partner often feel like they’re just too different to get along, or they just have to accept things “the way they are” when they feel invalidated and exhausted trying to progress.
Sometimes, it’s because that’s what their therapist told them.
Here’s the root of most problems in a neurodiverse relationship: the ND partner doesn’t know how to communicate effectively with their NT partner (especially if undiagnosed), and the NT partner feels isolated when they can’t figure out what’s wrong in their relationship.
The ND partner can become reactive and defensive, and the NT partner withdraws and shuts down.
As the therapist, approaching this couple without proper context can do more harm than good. In fact, most couples that face these issues are “therapy refugees” because nothing has worked before.
Of course, you’re frustrated too because you don’t understand the ND partner or why the couple can’t make any progress. But when you build a bridge between worlds, it all starts to make sense!
You can guide your neurodiverse couples to better communication, deeper understanding, and motivation to see their differences as a good thing without feeling as stuck as they did.
About Dr. Jill Corvelli and the Neurodiverse Partners Institute
Dr. Jill Corvelli started her degree in Professional Counseling and licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor after working as a management consultant with Fortune 500 companies. In her counseling work, she became keenly aware of the struggles and vulnerability of neurodiverse individuals and their partners. She resolved to help this population and developed the ND Compass methodology, which she used to help hundreds of complex couples even before she obtained a Ph.D. in Counselor Education & Supervision.
This summer, she founded the Neurodiverse Partners Institute to help neurodiverse couples and therapists that work with them. In addition to creating the ND Compass, she began working with couples in an intensive model consisting of 90 minute sessions for 10 weeks, and a break before starting again. This approach supports ND couples focus and motivation, creates space for integration and practice, and offers enough time to support the process.
For couples who want to continue to do their work without a break, she is cultivating a referral network of therapists interested in getting in on the ground floor and working with ND couples.
In this webinar, you will...
- Discover the fundamentals of how to recognize Neurodiverse Partnerships.
- Learn the components of the Neurodiverse Compass©, a treatment plan that bridges the neurological divide and supports connection, communication, and conflict resolution.
- Learn how to get on the Neurodiverse Partners Institute referral list.
- Understand the role that dopamine seeking plays out within the relationship and how to harness it productively.
- Could You Be in a Neurodiverse Partnership?
- What is the ND Compass and How Can it Help?
You will be sent a link to these companion videos BEFORE the webinar so you can view them and ask any questions about them during the webinar.
Register now for this 90-minute training
The Therapist’s Toolkit for Working
with Neurodiverse Couples
Registration comes with replay!
November 7, 9am-10:30am Pacific Time
- A greater awareness and understanding of neurodiverse and neurotypical perspectives
- How to identify an ND client
- The exact script you can use to introduce the possibility of ADHD or ASD to a client
- The right language to use in your sessions with ND couples
- 5 companion videos that take you deeper into common ND scenarios
- A download of tools you can implement immediately in your sessions
- A skill set you can immediately use in your sessions or use as a jump off point to deepen your education on neurodiverse couples
- And as a bonus – the opportunity to ask Dr. Corvelli questions (if you attend live)
and get 2 companion videos you can use with your clients:
- Could You Be in a Neurodiverse Partnership?
- What is the ND Compass and How Can it Help?