Change That Lasts Oi A - Couples Institute

Change that Lasts

Developmental Interventions for Breakthroughs in Couples Therapy

July 7 - 12

Learn from a leader in couples therapy training as she shares what’s needed to get couples unstuck and create forward movement.
Do you want to know how to lead and inspire your clients to lasting change?
You’re invited to Dr. Ellyn Bader’s free 1-time-only video series…

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You’ll discover…


“This has been one of the most helpful training experiences that I have had in many years. My couples work has dramatically changed and this week I took note of that fact when I realized that I have begun to introduce the Developmental Model to almost every client in my caseload.”

- Donna Renner, M.ED., Tennessee

“The Developmental Model has been life-changing for me. It has changed how I work professionally, also how I show up in my personal life, and I love it. I have used many of the interventions in individual sessions, and I feel so much more able to help clients with their relationships.”

- Kira Lynne, BA, RPC, CCPCPR, Vancouver

“Ellyn has given me a sense of the arc of therapy, something I have been looking for in other modalities I have studied, but not found.”

- Patricia McClure, MA, LMHC, Washington

Series Schedule

This is a one time event. The ONLY way to watch all the videos in this series is to put your name and best email below.
Dr. Ellyn Bader is one of the early “founders of couples therapy,” as well as a recognized thought leader in relationship therapy worldwide. Through her informal research and thousands of sessions, Ellyn co-created The Developmental Model, a revolutionary approach that is highly adaptable to the complex needs of two people growing, changing, and staying connected in a relationship.

The model has deeply influenced the therapeutic world and is currently used in 72 countries. It is taught by many graduate programs using her award-winning textbook In Quest of the Mythical Mate, which has been reprinted over 20 times.

Ellyn co-founded The Couples Institute® (1984) and co-authored Tell Me No Lies (2001) with her husband Dr. Peter Pearson, and the two have been a frequently trusted resource on Nightline, NPR, CBS This Morning, Today Show, Good Morning America, Wall Street Journal, O Magazine, Cosmopolitan and over 70 other media outlets.
She continues to evolve the field of couples therapy through her tireless commitment. She offers world-class training to thousands of therapists on applying “The Developmental Model” and becoming masterful at the art of couples therapy.