FREE Mini-Course
How the Developmental Model Can Help You Be a More
Skilled Couples Therapist

Dr. Ellyn Bader

Discover new ways to create powerful change over time, even if you’ve been working with couples for years.

You’ll receive a 5-part training mini-series that includes:

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Featured In:

Here’s more about what’s included:

  • The Overview of the Developmental Model is a 27-minute video where Ellyn explains the evolving stages of all couples’ relationships.
  • The handout, Stepping Stones to Intimacy, will give you and your clients a clear roadmap to the Developmental Model in language that they can understand. It shows couples where they can go and it tells you what to do, when to do it, and why. It helps you untangle stuck patterns. And it gives your clients a way to decide how far they want to go on their own journey.
  • In this 15-minute video, Nuts and Bolts of Initial Interview in Couples Therapy, you’ll learn the exact steps to establish yourself as a leader and get your sessions off to a powerful start. Discover what to say, what questions to ask, and how to connect early with both partners so they each feel your therapeutic alliance. This lays the crucial groundwork needed to move your couples toward their goals so they feel secure investing in you.
  • Understanding the Difference between Differentiation and Individuation. Differentiation is a crucial element of healthy development for couples. Independent behavior can masquerade as differentiation and lead to therapy mistakes. This 3-minute video can help you avoid mistaken assessment of your clients.
  • 4 Common Mistakes that Couples Therapists Make & How You Can Avoid Them. Since 1984, The Couples Institute has seen every therapy mistake imaginable. Four big ones top the list. And these mistakes are so easy to make, it’s no wonder they’re so common. This 15-minute video shows what these 4 major mistakes are – and what you can do to avoid them. You’ll feel tremendous relief. And your couples will experience less regression, more progress, and increased trust in you!

More about Dr. Ellyn Bader

Dr. Ellyn Bader is one of the early pioneers of couples therapy, as well as a recognized thought leader in relationship therapy worldwide. Through her informal research and thousands of sessions, Ellyn co-created “The Developmental Model,” a revolutionary approach that is highly adaptable to the complex needs of two people growing, changing, and staying connected in a relationship. The model has deeply influenced the therapeutic world and is currently used in 56 countries. It is taught by many graduate programs using her award-winning textbook In Quest of the Mythical Mate, which has been reprinted over 20 times.

Ellyn co-founded The Couples Institute® (1984) and co-authored Tell Me No Lies (2001) with her husband Dr. Peter Pearson, and the two have been a frequently trusted resource on Nightline, NPR, CBS This Morning, Today Show, Good Morning America, O Magazine, Cosmopolitan and over 70 other media outlets.

She continues to evolve the field of couples therapy through her tireless commitment. She offers world-class training to thousands of therapists on applying “The Developmental Model” and becoming masterful at the art of couples therapy.