Here are links to all 9 blog posts in my series on losing control, momentum or direction in couples therapy.
The first three blogs are on Losing Control:
Losing Control: When couples sessions spin out of control
Losing Control: It happens sooner than you think
Losing Control: When couples fight
The next three are on Losing Momentum:
Losing Momentum: Do you start strong and then see the energy fizzle?
Losing Momentum: With passive-aggressive partners and their spouses
Losing Momentum: When one partner keeps obsessing about the details of a partner’s affair
The last three are on Losing Direction:
Losing Direction: Where are you going and what are you using for a roadmap?
Losing Direction: When intimacy avoiders lead you astray
Losing Direction: With narcissistic or demanding partners
This is really helpful!
Wow……thank you so very much Dr. Bader, for sharing many years worth of clear and helpful knowledge. I just read previous blogs, amazingly info, concise language and direction. I am going to check out the course now.
Hi me again I have not signed up for training as yet because I have a problem that feels hard to overcome for me. I have of late requests for couples counselling by the male partner and when I see them it is very obvious that the male in the relationship is very abusive towards his partner which is DV this happened only last week and they have been together 20yrs . How do I work with this ?